Build Instructions for Mac OS X

-Compile in quartz SDL support. You need to get the 1.2.5 sdl from fink

-After running ./configure add this line to the end of config.mak
 ICONV_LIB = -L/sw/lib -liconv

-In the Makefile, find the line that does COMMON_LIBS = ...
 And add $(ICONV_LIB) to the end of the list.
 This is assuming you have libiconv in your /sw/lib directory

-Playing the stream.  You need to tell Mplayer to use the sdl drivers
 such as 
 # mplayer somefile.ty -vo sdl -ao sdl

Note : These instructions and Mac OSX vstream patches are created by Deal 
Databases's GardenHose.  I have no direct access to OS X.  
I'll buy OSX once they turn x86.  :)